The Competitiveness of Nations
in a Global Knowledge-Based Economy
Harry Hillman Chartrand
April 2002
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development
ROLE OF THE SCIENCE SYSTEM IN A. Introduction B. Knowledge production C. Knowledge transmission D. Knowledge transfer E. Government policies III. INDICATORS FOR THE KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY A. Introduction B. Measuring knowledge C. Measuring knowledge inputs D. Measuring knowledge stocks and flows E. Measuring knowledge outputs F. Measuring knowledge networks G. Measuring knowledge and learning H. Conclusion References |
The OECD economies are
increasingly based on knowledge and information. Knowledge is now recognised as the driver
of productivity and economic growth, leading to a new focus on the role of
information, technology and learning in economic performance. The term “knowledge-based
economy” stems from this fuller recognition of the place of knowledge and
technology in modern OECD economies.
OECD analysis is
increasingly directed to understanding the dynamics of the knowledge-based
economy and its relationship to traditional economics, as reflected in “new
growth theory”. The growing
codification of knowledge and its transmission through communications and
computer networks has led to the emerging “information society”. The need for workers to acquire a range
of skills and to continuously adapt these skills underlies the “learning
economy”. The importance of
knowledge and technology diffusion requires better understanding of knowledge
networks and “national innovation systems”. Most importantly, new issues and
questions are being raised regarding the implications of the knowledge-based
economy for employment and the role of governments in the development and
maintenance of the knowledge base.
Identifying “best
practices” for the knowledge-based economy is a focal point of OECD work in
the field of science, technology and industry. This report discusses trends in the
knowledge-based economy, the role of the science system and the development of
knowledge-based indicators and statistics. It is excerpted from the 1996 Science,
Technology and Industry Outlook, which is derestricted on the responsibility
of the Secretary-General of the OECD.
OECD science, technology
and industry policies should be formulated to maximise performance and
well-being in “knowledge-based economies” – economies which are directly
based on the production, distribution and use of knowledge and information.
This is reflected in the trend in
OECD economies towards growth in high-technology investments, high-technology
industries, more highly-skilled labour and associated productivity gains. Although knowledge has long been an
important factor in economic growth, economists are now exploring ways to
incorporate more directly knowledge and technology in their theories and models.
“New growth theory” reflects
the attempt to understand the role of knowledge and technology in driving
productivity and economic growth. In this view, investments in research and
development, education and training and new managerial work structures are
In addition to knowledge
investments, knowledge distribution through formal and informal networks
is essential to economic performance. Knowledge is increasingly being codified
and transmitted through computer and communications networks in the emerging
“information society”. Also
required is tacit knowledge, including the skills to use and adapt codified
knowledge, which underlines the importance of continuous learning by individuals
and firms. In the knowledge-based
economy, innovation is driven by the interaction of producers and users in the
exchange of both codified and tacit knowledge; this interactive model has
replaced the traditional linear model of innovation. The configuration of national
innovation systems, which consist of the flows and relationships among
industry, government and academia in the development of science and technology,
is an important economic determinant.
in the knowledge-based economy is
characterised by increasing demand for more highly-skilled workers. The knowledge-intensive and
high-technology parts of OECD economies tend to be the most dynamic in terms of
output and employment growth. Changes in technology, and particularly
the advent of information technologies, are making educated and skilled labour
more valuable, and unskilled labour less so. Government policies will need more stress
on upgrading human capital through promoting access to a range of skills, and
especially the capacity to learn; enhancing the knowledge distribution power
of the economy through collaborative networks and the diffusion of
technology; and providing the enabling conditions for organisational change at
the firm level to maximise the benefits of technology for
The science system,
essentially public research laboratories and institutes of higher education,
carries out key functions in the knowledge-based economy, including knowledge
production, transmission and transfer. But the OECD science system is facing the
challenge of reconciling its traditional functions of producing new knowledge
through basic research and educating new generations of scientists and engineers
with its newer role of collaborating with industry in the transfer of knowledge
and technology. Research institutes
and academia increasingly have industrial partners for financial as well as
innovative purposes, but must combine this with their essential role in more
generic research and education.
In general, our
understanding of what is happening in the knowledge-based economy is constrained
by the extent and quality of the available knowledge-related indicators.
Traditional national accounts
frameworks are not offering convincing explanations of trends in economic
growth, productivity and employment. Development of indicators of the
knowledge-based economy must start with improvements to more traditional input
indicators of R&D expenditures and research personnel. Better indicators are also needed of
knowledge stocks and flows, particularly relating to the diffusion of
information technologies, in both manufacturing and service sectors; social and
private rates of return to knowledge investments to better gauge the impact of
technology on productivity and growth; the functioning of knowledge networks and
national innovation systems; and the development and skilling of human
The term
“knowledge-based economy” results from a fuller recognition of the role
of knowledge and technology in economic growth. Knowledge, as embodied in human beings
(as “human capital”) and in technology, has always been central to
economic development. But only over
the last few years has its relative importance been recognised, just as that
importance is growing. The OECD
economies are more strongly dependent on the production, distribution and use of
knowledge than ever before. Output
and employment are expanding fastest in high-technology industries, such as
computers, electronics and aerospace. In the past decade, the high-technology
share of OECD manufacturing production (Table 1) and exports (Figure 1) has more
than doubled, to reach 20-25 per cent. Knowledge-intensive service sectors, such
as education, communications and information, are growing even faster. Indeed, it is estimated that more than 50
per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the major OECD economies is now
Investment is thus being
directed to high-technology goods and services, particularly information and
communications technologies. Computers and related equipment are the
fastest-growing component of tangible investment. Equally important are more intangible
investments in research and development (R&D), the training of the labour
force, computer software and technical expertise.
Spending on research has
reached about 2.3 per cent of GDP in the OECD area. Education accounts for an average 12 per
cent of OECD government expenditures, and investments in job-related training
are estimated to be as high as 2.5 per cent of GDP in countries such as Germany
and Austria which have apprenticeship or dual training (combining school and
work) systems. Purchases of
computer software, growing at a rate of 12 per cent per year since the
mid-1980s, are outpacing sales of hardware. Spending on product enhancement is
driving growth in knowledge-based services such as engineering studies and
advertising. And
balance-of-payments figures in technology show a 20 per cent increase between
1985 and 1993 in trade in patents and technology
It is skilled labour that
is in highest demand in the OECD countries. The average unemployment rate for people
with lower-secondary education is 10.5 per cent, falling to 3.8 per cent for
those with university education. Although the manufacturing sector is
losing jobs across the OECD, employment is growing in high-technology,
science-based sectors ranging from computers to pharmaceuticals. These jobs are more highly skilled and
pay higher wages than those in lower-technology sectors (e.g. textiles
and food-processing). Knowledge-based jobs in service sectors
are also growing strongly. Indeed,
non-production or “knowledge” workers – those who do not engage in the
output of physical products – are the employees in most demand in a wide range
of activities, from computer technicians, through physical therapists to
marketing specialists. The use of
new technologies, which are the engine of longer-term gains in productivity and
employment, generally improves the “skills base” of the labour force in
both manufacturing and services. And it is largely because of technology
that employers now pay more for knowledge than for manual
These trends are leading to
revisions in economic theories and models, as analysis follows reality. Economists continue to search for the
foundations of economic growth. Traditional “production functions”
focus on labour, capital, materials and energy; knowledge and technology are
external influences on production. Now analytical approaches are being
developed so that knowledge can be included more directly in production
functions. Investments in knowledge
can increase the productive capacity of the other factors of production as well
as transform them into new products and processes. And since these knowledge investments are
characterised by increasing (rather than decreasing) returns, they are the key
to long-term economic growth.
It is not a new idea that
knowledge plays an important role in the economy. Adam Smith referred to new layers of
specialists who are men of speculation and who make important contributions to
the production of economically useful knowledge. Friedrich List emphasised the
infrastructure and institutions which contribute to the development of
productive forces through the creation and distribution of knowledge. The Schumpeterian idea of innovation as a
major force of economic dynamics has been followed up by modern Schumpeterian
scholars such as Galbraith, Goodwin and Hirschman. And economists such as Romer and Grossman
are now developing new growth theories to explain the forces which drive
long-term economic growth.
According to the
neo-classical production function, returns diminish as more capital is
added to the economy, an effect which may be offset, however, by the flow of new
technology. Although technological
progress is considered an engine of growth, there is no definition or
explanation of technological processes. In new growth theory, knowledge can raise
the returns on investment, which can in turn contribute to the accumulation of
knowledge. It does this by
stimulating more efficient methods of production organisation as well as new and
improved products and services. There is thus the possibility of
sustained increases in investment which can lead to continuous rises in a
country's growth rate. Knowledge
can also spill over from one firm or industry to another, with new ideas used
repeatedly at little extra cost. Such spillovers can ease the constraints
placed on growth by scarcity of capital.
Technological change
raises the relative marginal
productivity of capital through education and training of the labour force,
investments in research and development and the creation of new managerial
structures and work organisation. Analytical work on long-term economic
growth shows that in the 20th century the factor of production growing most
rapidly has been human capital, but there are no signs that this has reduced the
rate of return to investment in education and training (Abramowitz, 1989). Investments in knowledge and capabilities
are characterised by increasing (rather than decreasing) returns. These findings argue for modification of
neo-classical equilibrium models – which were designed to deal with the
production, exchange and use of commodities – in order to analyse the
production, exchange and use of knowledge.
Incorporating knowledge
into standard economic production functions is not an easy task, as this factor
defies some fundamental economic principles, such as that of scarcity. Knowledge and information tend to be
abundant; what is scarce is the capacity to use them in meaningful ways. Nor is knowledge easily transformed into
the object of standard economic transactions. To buy knowledge and information is
difficult because by definition information about the characteristics of what is
sold is asymmetrically distributed between the seller and the buyer. Some kinds of knowledge can be easily
reproduced and distributed at low cost to a broad set of users, which tends to
undermine private ownership. Other
kinds of knowledge cannot be transferred from one organisation to another or
between individuals without establishing intricate linkages in terms of network
and apprenticeship
relationships or investing
substantial resources in the codification and transformation into
In order to facilitate
economic analysis, distinctions can be made between different kinds of knowledge
which are important in the knowledge-based economy: know-what, know-why,
know-how and know-who. Knowledge is
a much broader concept than information, which is generally the
“know-what” and “know-why” components of knowledge. These are also the types of knowledge
which come closest to being market commodities or economic resources to be
fitted into economic production functions. Other types of knowledge – particularly
know-how and know-who – are more “tacit knowledge” and are more difficult
to codify and measure (Lundvall and Johnson, 1994).
à Know-what
refers to knowledge about
“facts”. How many people
live in
à Know-why
refers to scientific knowledge of the
principles and laws of nature. This
kind of knowledge underlies technological development and product and process
advances in most industries. The
production and reproduction of know-why is often organised in specialized
organisations, such as research laboratories and universities. To get access to this kind of knowledge,
firms have to interact with these organisations either through recruiting
scientifically-trained labour or directly through contacts and joint
à Know-how
refers to skills or the capability to
do something. Businessmen judging
market prospects for a new product or a personnel manager selecting and training
staff have to use their know-how. The same is true for the skilled worker
operating complicated machine tools.
Know-how is typically a kind of knowledge developed and kept within the
border of an individual firm. One
of the most important reasons for the formation of industrial networks is the
need for firms to be able to share and combine elements of
à This is why know-who
becomes increasingly important. Know-who involves information about who
knows what and who knows how to do what. It involves the formation of special
social relationships which make it possible to get access to experts and use
their knowledge efficiently. It is
significant in economies where skills are widely dispersed because of a highly
developed division of labour among organisations and experts. For the modern manager and organisation,
it is important to use this kind of knowledge in response to the acceleration in
the rate of change. The know-who
kind of knowledge is internal to the organisation to a higher degree than any
other kind of knowledge.
Learning to master the four
kinds of knowledge takes place through different channels. While know-what and
know-why can be obtained through reading books, attending lectures and accessing
databases, the other two kinds of knowledge are rooted primarily in practical
experience. Know-how will typically be learned in situations where an apprentice
follows a master and relies upon him as the authority. Know-who is learned in
social practice and sometimes in specialised educational environments. It also
develops in day-to-day dealings with customers, sub-contractors and independent
institutes. One reason why firms engage in basic research is to acquire access
to networks of academic experts crucial for their innovative capability.
Know-who is socially embedded knowledge which cannot easily be transferred
through formal channels of information.
The development of
information technology may be regarded as a response to the need for
handling the know-what and know-why portions of knowledge more effectively.
Conversely, the existence of
information technology and communications infrastructures gives a strong impetus
to the process of codifying certain types of knowledge. All knowledge which can be codified and
reduced to information can now be transmitted over long distances with very
limited costs. It is the increasing
codification of some elements of knowledge which have led the current era to be
characterised as “the information society” – a society where a
majority of workers will soon be producing, handling and distributing
information or codified knowledge.
The digital revolution has
intensified the move towards knowledge codification and altered the share of
codified vs. tacit knowledge in the knowledge stock of the economy. Electronic networks now connect a vast
array of public and private information sources, including digitised reference
volumes, books, scientific journals, libraries of working papers, images, video
clips, sound and voice recordings, graphical displays as well as electronic
mail. These information resources,
connected through various communications networks, represent the components of
an emerging, universally accessible digital
Due to codification,
knowledge is acquiring more of the properties of a commodity. Market transactions are facilitated by
codification, and diffusion of knowledge is accelerated. In addition, codification is reducing the
importance of additional investments to acquire further knowledge. It is creating bridges between fields and
areas of competence and reducing the “dispersion” of
These developments promise
an acceleration of the rate of growth of stocks of accessible knowledge, with
positive implications for economic growth. They also imply increased change in the
knowledge stock due to higher rates of scrapping and obsolescence, which will
put greater burdens on the economy's adjustment abilities. While information technologies are
speeding up the codification of knowledge and stimulating growth in the
knowledge-based economy, they have implications for the labour
While information
technologies may be moving the border between tacit and codified knowledge, they
are also increasing the importance of acquiring a range of skills or types of
knowledge. In the emerging
information society, a large and growing proportion of the labour force is
engaged in handling information as opposed to more tangible factors of
production. Computer literacy and
access to network facilities tend to become more important than literacy in the
traditional sense. Although the
knowledge-based economy is affected by the increasing use of information
technologies, it is not synonymous with the information society. The knowledge-based economy is
characterised by the need for continuous learning of both codified information
and the competencies to use this information.
As access to information
becomes easier and less expensive, the skills and competencies relating to the
selection and efficient use of information become more crucial. Tacit knowledge in the form of
skills needed to handle codified knowledge is more important than ever in labour
markets. Codified knowledge might
be considered as the material to be transformed, and tacit knowledge,
particularly know-how, as the tool for handling this material. Capabilities for selecting relevant and
disregarding irrelevant information, recognising patterns in information,
interpreting and decoding information as well as learning new and forgetting old
skills are in increasing demand.
The accumulation of tacit knowledge needed to derive maximum benefit from
knowledge codified through information technologies can only be done through
learning. Without investments
oriented towards both
codified and tacit skill development, informational constraints may be a
significant factor degrading the allocative efficiency of market economies.
Workers will require both formal education and the ability to acquire and apply
new theoretical and analytical knowledge; they will increasingly be paid for
their codified and tacit knowledge skills rather than for manual work. Education
will be the centre of the knowledge-based economy, and learning the tool of
individual and organisational advancement.
This process of learning is
more than just acquiring formal education. In the knowledge-based economy
“learning-by-doing” is paramount. A fundamental aspect of learning is the
transformation of tacit into codified knowledge and the movement back to
practice where new kinds of tacit knowledge are developed. Training and learning
in non-formal settings, increasingly possible due to information technologies,
are more common. Firms themselves face the need to become learning
organisations, continuously adapting management, organisation and skills to
accommodate new technologies. They are also joined in networks, where
interactive learning involving producers and users in experimentation and
exchange of information is the driver of innovation (EIMS,
The knowledge-based economy
places great importance on the diffusion and use of information and
knowledge as well as its creation. The determinants of success of enterprises,
and of national economies as a whole, is ever more reliant upon their
effectiveness in gathering and utilizing knowledge. Strategic know-how
and competence are being developed interactively and shared within
sub-groups and networks, where know-who is significant. The economy becomes
a hierarchy of networks, driven by the acceleration in the rate of change
and the rate of learning. What is created is a network society, where the
opportunity and capability to get access to and join knowledge- and
learning-intensive relations determines the socio-economic position of
individuals and firms (David and Foray,
The network characteristic
of the knowledge-based economy has emerged with changes to the linear model
of innovation (Figure 2). The traditional theory held that innovation is a
process of discovery which proceeds via a fixed and linear sequence of phases.
In this view, innovation begins with new scientific research, progresses
sequentially through stages of product development, production and marketing,
and terminates with the successful sale of new products, processes and services.
It is now recognised that ideas for innovation can stem from many sources,
including new manufacturing capabilities and recognition of market needs.
Innovation can assume many forms, including incremental improvements to existing
products, applications of technology to new markets and uses of new technology
to serve an existing market. And the process is not completely linear.
Innovation requires considerable communication among different actors – firms,
laboratories, academic institutions and consumers – as well as feedback between
science, engineering, product development, manufacturing and
In the knowledge-based
economy, firms search for linkages to promote inter-firm interactive learning
and for outside partners and networks to provide complementary assets. These relationships help firms to
spread the costs and risk associated with innovation among a greater number
of organisations, to gain access to new research results, to acquire key
technological components of a
new product or process, and
to share assets in manufacturing, marketing and distribution. As they develop new products and
processes, firms determine which activities they will undertake individually, in
collaboration with other firms, in collaboration with universities or research
institutions, and with the support of government.
Innovation is thus the
result of numerous interactions by a community of actors and institutions, which
together form what are termed national innovation systems. Increasingly, these innovation systems
are extending beyond national boundaries to become international. Essentially, they consist of the flows
and relationships which exist among industry, government and academia in the
development of science and technology. The interactions within this system
influence the innovative performance of firms and economies. Of key importance is the “knowledge
distribution power” of the system, or its capability to ensure timely access
by innovators to the relevant stocks of knowledge. Efforts are just beginning to quantify
and map the diffusion paths of knowledge and innovation in an economy –
considered the new key to economic performance (Table
The knowledge-based economy
is marked by increasing labour market demand for more highly skilled workers,
who are also enjoying wage premiums (Table 3). Studies in some countries show that the
more rapid the introduction of knowledge-intensive means of production, such as
those based on information technologies, the greater the demand for highly
skilled workers. Other studies show
that workers who use advanced technologies, or are employed in firms that have
advanced technologies, are paid higher wages. This labour market preference for workers
with general competencies in handling codified knowledge is having negative
effects on the demand for less-skilled workers; there are concerns that these
trends could exclude a large and growing proportion of the labour force from
normal wage work.
Jobs Study noted a tendency in the 1980s towards a polarisation in labour
markets. In the
Three different hypotheses
have been proposed to explain current labour market trends in the OECD
countries: globalisation; biased technological change; and developments in firm
à One hypothesis is that
globalisation and intensified international competition have led to
decreased relative demand for less-skilled workers in the OECD countries. Empirical work, however, shows that
increasing imports from low-wage countries may contribute to some unemployment,
but that the scale of the import increase is so limited that it could not
possibly by itself explain more than a small part of the phenomenon (Katz and
Murphy, 1992).
à An alternative explanation
is that technological change has become more strongly biased in favour of
skilled workers. The evidence is
somewhat scattered, but studies of the use of information technology highlight
this tendency. Data show that the
polarisation of wages and employment opportunities is most dramatic in firms
which have introduced computers and other forms of information technology in the
workplace (Krueger, 1993; Lauritzen, 1996).
à Some scholars point to
institutional change in the labour market and changes in firm behaviour
as the main reason for falling real wages for low-skilled workers in some
OECD countries. New
high-performance workplaces and flexible enterprises stress worker qualities
such as initiative, creativity, problem-solving and openness to change, and
are willing to pay premiums for these skills (Figure 3). Moreover, the weakening of trade unions
in some countries may have a negative impact on the relative position of
the least-skilled workers,
because it has led
employers to implement a low-wage strategy in which delocalisation and
outsourcing are important elements.
One problem with these
hypotheses is that much of the analysis is based on
OECD countries continue to
evidence a shift from industrial to post-industrial knowledge-based economies.
Here, productivity and growth are
largely determined by the rate of technical progress and the accumulation of
knowledge. Of key importance are
networks or systems which can efficiently distribute knowledge and information.
The knowledge-intensive or
high-technology parts of the economy tend to be the most dynamic in terms of
output and employment growth, which intensifies the demand for more highly
skilled workers. Learning on the
part of both individuals and firms is crucial for realising the productivity
potential of new technologies and longer-term economic
Government policies,
particularly those relating to science and technology, industry and education,
will need a new emphasis in knowledge-based economies. Acknowledgement is needed of the central
role of the firm, the importance of national innovation systems and the
requirements for infrastructures and incentives which encourage investments in
research and training (OECD, 1996b).
Among the priorities will
undoubtedly be:
à Enhancing knowledge
diffusion – Support to innovation will
need to be broadened from “mission-oriented” science and technology
projects to “diffusion-oriented” programmes. This includes providing the framework
conditions for university-industry-government collaborations, promoting the
diffusion of new technologies to a wide variety of sectors and firms, and
facilitating the development of information
à Upgrading human capital
– Policies will be needed to promote
broad access to skills and competencies and especially the capability to learn.
This includes providing broad-based
formal education, establishing incentives for firms and individuals to engage in
continuous training and lifelong learning, and improving the matching of labour
supply and demand in terms of skill requirements.
à Promoting organisational
change – Translating technological
change into productivity gains will necessitate a range of firm-level
organisational changes to increase flexibility, particularly relating to work
arrangements, networking, multi-skilling of the labour force and
decentralisation. Governments can
provide the conditions and enabling infrastructures for these changes through
appropriate financial, competition, information and other