Compiler Press'

Compleat World Copyright Website

By Author, Country, Institute, Journal, Media, Multilateral & Topic



Site Index


By Author

By Country

By Institute

By Journal

By Media *

By Multilateral



By Topic *




Sister Sites

Compiler Press

Compleat World Copyright Website

Competitiveness of Nations

Cultural Econometrics

Cultural Economics

Elemental Economics

World Cultural Intelligence Network



Dr. Harry Hillman Chartrand, PhD

Cultural Economist & Publisher

Compiler Press

Chief Economist

Cultural Econometrics



215 Lake Crescent
Saskatoon Saskatchewan

Canada, S7H 3A1


(306) 244-6945



Launched  00/05/17








In 2000 Compiler Press undertook a project to 'deep link' world-wide web pages concerning copyright, i.e., essentially printer's rights in the Anglosphere Common Law tradition as opposed to author's rights in the European Civil Code tradition.   Initially it was planned to maintain and update the site but in 2002 as I began my doctoral program and the project was placed on hold.  With closure of my American webhost of 11 years on October 31, 2009 - Atfreeweb - links to articles posted before that date are generally broken. Readers are directed to my Alphabetic Bibliography to access most references. Sorry for the inconvenience.

At present four limitations must be mentioned.  First, the site  is dated.  New sites and relevant pages have surface and many then disappeared over the course of 7 years.  Users are invited to inform the editor of broken links and/or revised ones as well as recommend new sites and/or pages for inclusion.  Additions and changes will be made when possible and reported under News.   Second, while an effort has been made to standardize presentation of mailing addresses, phone and fax numbers and other information, some have resisted the editor's experience and expertise.  If there are problems, please advise. Third, the information provided is only a guide.  It is not exhaustive and is not an authoritative statement of the law or rules and regulations of the countries and international organizations reported.  Please seek independent legal counsel before acting on any matter reported in this web site.  Fourth, while full attribution and home page references are provided if any organization or individual objects to 'deep links' to their site, please advise the editor and they will be removed. 



The site is divided into eight sections: Author, Country, Institute, Journal, Media, Multilateral, Topic and the Library.  Some sections are currently operational; others are not.  Over time all will become operational and each will be continually updated and extended through the addition of new web resources. 


By Author

A number of authors have made significant contributions to the debate about copyright either in quality and/or quantity.  Links to their web sites and some of their web works are provided in alphabetic order.  Such works are cross-referenced by country, institute, journal, media and topic when and where appropriate.  This section is currently operational but dated.


By Country

For each country, sites are organized by type: 

Academic Institutions:  educational sites including primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions as well as individual academics;

Collectives: institutions and organizations responsible for the collection and distribution of copyright royalties;

Nonprofit: industry and trade associations as well as public interest' organizations;

Profit: commercial for-profit organizations and businesses including law firms; and,

Public: government and quasi-governmental organizations and institutions.

In turn, each site is classified by discipline:

Literary Art: the written and spoken word;

Media Art: the computer-generated, recorded and/or broadcast sound and/or image – moving or still;

Performing Art: the live stage – Dance, Music, Opera & Theatre; and,

Visual Art: the image in two or three dimensions including architecture and the citycsape.


Law: national and international copyright law;

Software: computer programs and games; and,

All: all art forms as well as the internet, law and software.

This classification represents a compromise.  On the one hand copyright historically extended only to works of art (as human readable codified knowledge) and properly references the Arts Industry.  On the other hand there is the reality of software copyright which I do not believe belongs under copyright (see my Software: Copyright, Patent or Something Else?).  For my purposes the Arts Industry includes all profit, nonprofit and public enterprise including incorporated and unincorporated businesses as well as self-employed individuals who:

i - use one or more of the Arts as a primary factor of production, e.g. in advertising, copywriting, fashion, graphic, industrial & product design as well as WWW, TV, radio, magazine and newspaper publishing;

ii - rely on one or more of the Arts as a 'tied-good' in consumption, e.g. home entertainment hardware and software; or,

iii - produce one or more of the Arts as their final output, i.e. they create, produce, distribute and/or conserve goods and services in the Literary, Media, Performing or Visual Arts..

Given copyright is a cultural artefact that varies country to country, this section represents the core of the site.  With the exception of Multilateral sections information reported by author, institute, journals, media and topics is cross-referenced by country when and where appropriate.  This section is currently operational but dated.


By Institute

A number of institutes specialize in the study of copyright and other forms of intellectual property.  Links to these institutes, in alphabetical order, are provided together with relevant studies conducted under their auspices.  Institutes are cross-referenced by country, journal, media and topic when and where appropriate.  This section is now operational but dated.


By Journal

A number of specialized journals publish articles and studies on copyright and other forms of intellectual property.  Links to such journals, in alphabetical order, are provided together with relevant articles and studies. In addition major magazines and other periodicals, e.g. Atlantic Monthly and Scientific American, from time to time publish significant articles about copyright.   Journals, magazines and periodicals are also cross-referenced by country, institute, media and topic when and where appropriate.  This section is operational but dated.


By Media

Copyright varies according to medium of expression, i.e., the matrix in which knowledge is fixed in order to receive copyright protection.  Available web resources will be organized according to the following media of expression: literary, media, performing & visual arts; internet; and, software.  Web resources by media will also be cross-referenced by country, institute, journal and topic when and where appropriate.  This section is not operational.


By Multilateral Agency & Instrument

Copyright operates not just at the national level but also at the international plane including bilateral (between two countries) and multilateral (between more than two countries) relations.  Agreements, conventions, covenants and treaties govern the application of national copyright law.  The Multilateral section is divided into two parts:

I - Agencies: including the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (INFLA), International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO), International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), Internet Society (ISOC), United Nations Education, Science, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Intellectual Property Organizations (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO); and,

II - Instruments: including 62 global and regional copyright and related agreements, conventions, covenants and treaties as well as UNESCO recommendations.

This section is currently operational.  


By Topic

Copyright has many dimensions.  These include: administration, comparative studies, international copyright, moral rights, infringement, ownership, neighboring rights, performer's rights, remedies, royalties, term, and works in which copyright subsists.  Web resources by topic will cross-referenced by author, country, institute, journal and multilateral, when and where appropriate.  This section is not operational.



The Library is a collection of works by other authors which I have made web accessible because of their perceived importance.  I also include my own copyright related works.