Elemental Economics

Economics of Biotechnology Home Page

Bioresource Policy, Business & Economics 292

The Economics of Biotechnology


Course Outline 

Objective: to provide students with an introductory overview of the industrial organization of biotechnology, its scientific foundation in biology and its use and application as an enabling technology in agriculture, art, defense, environment, health, informatics, justice and materials technology.

0.0 Introduction:      0.1 Knowledge & the Knowledge-Based Economy

          0.2 Biological Sciences: Wetware vs. Dryware

          0.3 Product vs. Process vs. Enabling Innovation

          0.4 Sub-Sectors

          0.5 The IO Model

1.0 Basic Conditions:

          1.1 Demand:      1.1.1 Consumer Demand

                                           1.1.2 Cultural and Other Constraints

                                           1.1.3 Intermediate or Producer Demand

                                          1.1.4 Rate of Growth

                                        1.1.5 Substitutes & Compliments

          1.2 Supply:          1.2.1 Risk Taking, Cost-Benefit & the Precautionary Principle

                                       1.2.2 Instrumentation

                                           1.2.3 Knowledge & Talent

                                          1.2.4 Public & Private Infrastructure

                                          1.2.5 Raw Materials

2.0 Structure:                              2.1 Cost Structure

          2.2 Entry/Exit

          2.3 Firm Size, Concentration, Clusters & Alliances

          2.4 Innovators

          2.5 National Innovation Systems

3.0 Conduct:                                3.1 Advertising & Marketing

                                     3.2 Bio Prospecting&Piracy

                                     3.3 Intellectual Property Rights & Legal Tactics

          3.4 Multilateral Codes of Conduct

          3.5 Research & Innovation

4.0 Performance:                       4.1 Allocative & Technical Efficiency

                    4.2 Conservation

                    4.3 Equity

                    4.4 Profitability

                    4.5 Progressiveness


 Plagiarism & Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated.

© Harry Hillman Chartrand, PhD.

Compiler Press, 2008.