Elemental Economics



Econ 270.3



Outline (following 8th ed.)

1.0        Introduction: What is economic development?

2.0        Development of Whom by Whom for Whom? Ch. 1, 2 & 3

Chapter 1: Economics, Institutions, and Development: A Global Perspective

Chapter 2: Divers Structures and Common Characteristics of Developing Nations

Chapter 3: Historic Growth and Contemporary Development

3.0        Development of What and Why?  Ch. 6-10

Chapter 6: Poverty, Inequality and Development

Chapter 7: Population Growth & Economic Development

Chapter 8: Urbanization

Chapter 9: Human

Chapter 10 Agricultural Transformation

4.0    Development Models Ch. 4 & 5

Chapter 4: Classical Models

Chapter 5: Contemporary Theories



The objective of the course is to place the economic development of non-industrialized nations in the context of an emerging global knowledge-based economy.  This contextualization will include consideration of the differing strengths and weaknesses of such nations in the satisfaction of the wants, needs and desires of their citizens in a rapidly changing world.   In the process an introductory vocabulary of economic development and an initial understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary developmental models will acquired.



Mid-Terms (3 @ 20% each)        =      60%
Final Exam                                  =     40%  

The mid-term and final exams will consist of defining selected terms (e.g., you choose 10 from a list of 20 +), plus graphic and policy interpretation of the significance of each term in connexion with the development of non-industrialized nations.



Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is subject to severe penalty at the University of Saskatchewan. Please refer to page 31 of the 2002-2003 Calendar Student Rights, Discipline, and Appeals. The “Student Academic Dishonesty Rules of the University of Saskatchewan Council (September 2000)” report can also be found on the U of S website at www.usask.ca/university_council/reports/09-27-99.shtml