Chapter 17: The Classical Theory
Index THE CLASSICAL THEORY The Level of Output and
Employment in Classical Theory Web 2
The Quantity Theory as a Theory of the Price
Level The Quantity Theory as a Theory of Aggregate Demand Classical Model without
Saving and Investment
Effects of a Change in the Supply of Money
Effect of a Change in the Supply of Labor
Effects of a Change in the Demand for Labor
Effects of a Rigid Money Wage Monetary Policy and Full Employment Classical Model with Saving
and Investment
Saving and Investment
Changes in Saving and Investment Summary
Statement |
The equilibrium real wage
defines full employment of the labor force, and full employment of the labor
force (with a given production function) defines the full-employment level of
output. Classical theory found no
obstacle to the attainment of these positions as long as the money wage was
flexible - that is, as long as it would fall in the face of unemployment. The possibility that this level of
output once produced would not find a market was dismissed; Say’s Law ruled out
any deficiency of aggregate demand.
Say’s Law, named for the
French economist Jean Baptiste Say (1767-1832), most simply states supply
creates its own demand. More
precisely, it states whatever the level of output, the income created in the
course of producing the output will necessarily lead to an equal amount of
spending and thus and amount of spending sufficient to purchase the goods and
services produced.
Thus, if output is below
that which can be produced with a fully employed labor force, inadequate demand
cannot stand in the way of an expansion of output. As long as there are idle resources that
can be put to work, the very expansion of output resulting from the utilization
of such resources will create a proportionate rise in income that will be used
to purchase the expanded output. In
this way, Say’s Law denied that involuntary unemployment could be caused by a
deficiency of aggregate demand. 5
Say’s Law is a theory that
so closely resembles a familiar national income identity that there is some
danger of finding the theory true because the identity is necessarily true.
From the national income
identities, it is clear that for every dollar of product there is a dollar of
income. In whichever way we choose
to define product, whether in gross (GNP) or net (NNP) terms, the product itself
may be measured by the sum of incomes generated in producing it. This identity between product and income
holds definitionally at any level of product, full-employment or anywhere below.
The identity also says that any
increase in product will be matched by an equal increase in income. But Say’s Law says this plus something
more that is not definitionally true: that any increase in income will be
matched by an equal increase in spending.
The heart of the Keynesian theory is found in the argument that this last
step, which is required to validate Say’s Law, does not necessarily follow. The equal rise in spending may not
What is the basis for this
unvarying equality between income and spending presumed by Say’s Law? In simplest terms, it is the argument
that anyone (for example, a cobbler) who produces more product (shoes) than he
needs for his personal use does so only to exchange this excess for the products
of others. In the case of
barter-exchange, and Say’s Law was originally set forth for a barter economy,
this is necessarily the case. To
“supply” one good in barter is unavoidably to “demand” another. A long line of classical economists
believed that the law was equally true in a money economy. Although one’s excess production in a
money economy is exchanged in the market for money and not for other goods, it
may still be argued that the purpose of production is not to secure money as
such but to secure money with which to buy the products of others. Though the interposition of money
converts the direct or barter exchange of “goods for goods” into the indirect
exchange of “goods for money for goods,” the mere introduction of money was
thought to make no difference. Money, it was thought, functions
only as a ‘medium of exchange.” Nobody other than a miser wants money for
itself rather than for what it will buy. As soon as each person receives money for
the sale of the goods or services he has supplied, he spends that money to buy
goods and services supplied by others. This does not mean that every person
spends whatever money he receives in a matter of minutes after receiving it.
At any given time every person
holds some
5. For a concise summary of
Say’s Law, see W. S. Vickrey, Metastatics and Macroeconomics, Harcourt,
Brace & World, 1964, pp. 168-70. A fuller exposition may be found in a
textbook that was popular during the 1920s: F. M. Taylor, Principles of
Economics, 9th ed., Ronald, 1921, pp. 196-205. For a detailed analysis see J. A.
Schumpeter, History of Economic Analysis,
money because of the
unevenness between his receipts and his expenditures. However, so long as people hold no more
money than is required for this, money is being used only as a medium of
As soon as we recognize
that people other than misers may at times have reasons to hold some money in
idle cash balances - that is, to use money as a “store of value” and not only as
a “medium of exchange” - a possible break appears in the chain between the
receipt of aggregate income in the form of money and the spending of that money
income for the aggregate output whose production generated it. Such a break in the chain invalidates
Say’s Law when applied to an economy using money. However, in order to proceed with the
construction of the classical system, let us for the moment accept Say’s Law as
valid in a money-using economy. There is then no break between the
receipt of money income and the spending thereof, and there is accordingly no
such thing as a deficiency of aggregate demand.
Classical theory relied on
Say’s Law to assure that aggregate demand would always be equal to aggregate
supply; any increase in output automatically created an equal increase in
spending that removed the increase in output from the market. Classical theory relied primarily on a
flexible money wage to assure that the actual level of output at any time would
be that produced by a fully employed labor force. Full employment, we remember, calls for a
real wage that equates the supply of with the demand for labor; for any given
price level, a flexible wage will adjust as required to produce the required
real wage. All this leaves the
price level unspecified, and to cover this classical theory relied on the
quantity theory of money.
The Quantity Theory as a
Theory of the Price Level
In the classical system
money’s function is essentially limited to that of a medium of exchange: Money is a device designed simply to
overcome the difficulties unavoidable in barter exchange. But, even with money’s role thus limited,
a question remains: Does a bushel of wheat exchange for $2 and a ton of coal for
$20, or does a bushel of wheat exchange for $5 and a ton of coal for
$50? The answer given by
classical theory is that the absolute level of prices, $2 or $5 for wheat
and $20 or $50 for coal, depends on the quantity of money in the economy.
This relationship in which the
price level is made a function of the money supply is known as the quantity
theory of money. Furthermore,
the relationship between changes in the money supply and changes in the price
level was held to be strictly proportional. This conclusion depended on several
assumptions that may most simply be brought out by examining the identity, in which M is the supply of money,
V is its velocity, or the number
of times it turns over per
time period in the purchase of final output O, and P is the
price level of this output. 6
It should be emphasized
is nothing more than an identity
and as such stands completely apart from the quantity theory or any other
theory. It is analogous to the
identity between product and income in the national income accounts, which
stands completely apart from Say’s Law.
says simply that the quantity of money
multiplied by the number of times each unit of money on the average is spent for
final output in any time period equals the quantity of final goods and services
sold during that period multiplied by the price level of those goods and
services. If O is the
physical volume of goods and services represented by any period’s GNP, P
is the price level of these goods, and V is the number of times
the money supply is used to purchase goods whose value is P0, the
familiar GNP identity (neglecting net exports),
may be expanded to read
. Each part of this expression set
off by an identity sign is identical in value to every other part; each part of
this expression is merely a different way of describing the same dollar
identity is converted into the
quantity theory of money under the assumptions that O and V
are constant or stable in the short run and that P is passive.
With O and V
constant, the assumption that P is passive means that P
depends on changes in M rather than that changes in M depend
on changes in P. Given these assumptions, any
short-run increase (or decrease) in M must lead to a proportionate rise
(or fall) in P .7 Without these assumptions,
however, it is just as inevitable that any increase (or decrease) in M
will not lead to a proportionate rise (or fall) in P (barring
the unlikely case in which changes in V and O are exactly
The classical view that the
level of output is stable in the short run is based on the argument that the
normal level of output is that produced by a fully employed labor force working
with a fixed stock of capital and given production techniques. In terms of Figure 17-1, the production
function can shift upward with technological advances and growth in the capital
stock, resulting in a rise in output with a given labor input, but these changes
occur gradually over the long run. The labor supply curve can also shift to
the right with a resultant increase in output, but this too is a change that
occurs gradually with the growth in population over the long run. Short-run variations in output could
appear as a result of departures from the normal position of a fully employed
labor force, but such departures were regarded as infrequent
6. M is a stock
variable and O a flow variable. If O is defined for one quarter,
M is the average stock of money in the economy during that quarter, V
is the number of times that average stock of money is used to purchase final
output during that quarter, and P is the average price level of output
for that quarter.
7. For example, begin with
100 x 4 = 2 x 200. Increase M
by 10 percent to 110. On the
assumptions of the constancy of V and O, we have 110 x 4 = 2.2 x
200, or a 10 percent increase in P, a rise proportionate with the
increase in M. Or,
alternatively, rewrite the identity as
in which the assumed constancy of V and
O makes V/O a positive proportionality constant, here equal to
4/200, or 0.02. Then, whatever the
value for M, P is always 0.02 times that
subject to prompt
correction in a system of competitive markets. Thus, given the assumption that full
employment of the labor force is normal, the assumption of a stable level of
output for any short-run period follows logically.
The classical view that the
velocity or turnover rate of money is constant is based on the argument that the
institutional, structural, and customary conditions that determine velocity
usually change very gradually.
Among these conditions are the frequency with which economic units
receive and make payments, the regularity of these receipts and payments, and
the portion of such receipts and payments that are on a money or barter basis.
8 Though these and all
other conditions affecting the size of V are subject to change, quantity
theory asserts the gradualness of such change in support of its conclusion that
V is constant in the short run.
The Quantity Theory as a
Theory of Aggregate Demand
The quantity theory carries
with it a crude theory of aggregate demand. If V is constant, the supply of
money determines the total amount of spending for final output in any specified
time period. Whatever the money
supply may be, classical theory held that it was all in active circulation under
normal conditions. There was no
money in idle cash holdings. Here
we encounter the same assumption that underlies Say’s Law in its application to
a money-using economy: People use money as nothing more than a medium of
exchange. An absence of idle money
is a necessary part of Say’s Law when applied to a money-using economy, and it
is an equally necessary part of the rigid quantity theory. Classical theory could see no reason why
rational people would choose to hold any portion of their money receipts in idle
cash form. As people came into the
possession of money, there was in this view only one disposition for it:
spending. Spending was either for
consumption or capital goods. As we
will see
8. Eyen though no one may
choose to hold idle cash, everyone holds some cash to even out the difference
between receipts and payments. For
example, if an employee is paid $200 every other Friday, he does not typically
spend the whole $200 on payday (and end up “broke” for the next thirteen days).
If he spends the $200 evenly over
the two-week period, his average cash balance will turn out to be $100. Since his spending biweekly is $200, this
$100 average balance has a V of 2 biweekly; since his spending annually
is $5,200, this $100 average balance has a V of 52 annually. If he were instead paid $100 every
Friday, by the same line of argument his average cash balance would be $50.
This $50 average balance
has a V of 4 biweekly and a V of 104 annually. Generalizing for the economy as a whole,
with a given supply of money, a change in which everyone were paid half as much
twice as often would mean the existing supply of money could handle a much
greater volume of final purchases. This rise in V with constant M
would mean a rise in
This illustration
covers frequency of receipts, only one of the many conditions that were believed
to change very slowly and thus to make for stability in V. For a discussion of the determinants
of V, see L. V. Chandler, The Economics of Money and Banking, 4th
ed., Harper & Row, 1964, pp. 315-21.
9. Even in its crude form,
the quantity theory did not argue that short-run V and O were as
stable or P as passive as is here assumed. We will retain these assumptions in the
extreme form in which they have been given so that we may proceed with the
construction of the simplified classical model.
below, the act of saving,
or not spending for consumption goods, was automatically transformed into an act
of spending for capital goods. Money that was held back from consumption
spending would be loaned to firms that would in turn spend the money, dollar for
dollar, for capital goods. Thus,
although persons do save, classical theory held that they would not hold any
amounts saved in the form of cash and that therefore no money would escape from
active circulation.
As long as money was used
exclusively as a medium of exchange and thus remained completely in active
circulation, any change in the supply of money would lead to a change in
spending that was equal to the change in M times the constant multiple
V. This brings us to Figure
17-2C. 10 Price level is
measured along the horizontal axis and output along the vertical axis. The greater M is, the greater is MV;
the greater MV is, the greater .
lf V is constant, changes in aggregate demand result only from
changes in M, and any change in aggregate demand may be measured by the
equal change in the product of P x 0 that accompanies the change
in aggregate demand. If
O1 represents the full-employment output, meaning that
O1 is constant in the short run, the
rise in P from P1 to P2 must
be proportional to the increase in M, represented by the shift of the
curve from M1 V to M2
10. Parts A and B merely
repeat Figure 17-1; Part D will be discussed
Any increase in M
shifts the curve to the right and, with O constant, raises P
proportionately; any decrease in M shifts the curve to the left and,
again with 0 constant, reduces P