The Competitiveness of Nations
in a Global Knowledge-Based Economy
2nd Draft March 2005 Copyrights & Trademarks Know-How & Trade Secrets Legal Principle & Precedent |
Epithet … intellectual property is,
after all, the only absolute possession in the world... The man who brings out of nothingness some
child of his thought has rights therein which cannot belong to any other sort
of property Zechariah Chaffe “Reflections on the Law of Copyright”
1. While knowledge flowing from Science and Design can be reified as economic inputs and outputs, the question arises: how does knowledge become legal property bought and sold in markets? Property means ownership - communal, private or public – together with associated rights of access, or, in this case, ‘rights to know’.
2. In pre-literate societies, knowledge was transmitted orally through the mnemonics of ritual and chant reinforced by religious practice and taboo. Some knowledge was shared by all; some was shared in secret only with initiates (Eliade 1954). The association of rhythmic or repetitively patterned utterances with supernatural knowledge endures well into historical times. For example, among the early Arabic peoples, the word for poet was sha’ir, “the knower”, a person endowed with knowledge by the spirits (Jaynes 1978). Innovation, i.e., application of new knowledge, depends upon the initial insight of a creator plus his or her ability to maintain its mnemonic integrity through time, e.g., as incantation or epic poem. Cause and effect are indistinguishable. It is through unchanging re-enactment of ritual that desired results are achieved. Science and art are one. How to make something and the thing made are mystically married. Process and product are identical. To name a thing is to magically control a thing.
3. In such societies, awe and mystery
surround the created object into which the creator projects his or her spirit
and soul. In
4. In the ancient Western and contemporary
Islamic world, at least until recently (Habib 1998) [M], knowledge was kept secret or, when
made public, its paternity was protected by moral rather than legal rights (Chartrand April 2000).
Ownership, in an economic sense, did not exist per se. Punishment for
falsely claiming paternity, or what today we call copyright or patent
infringement, took the form of defamation of the infringer and casting shame on
his or her family and tribe.
5. After the fall of
6. With the arrival of the ‘Renaissance Man’ in the 15th century, the artist/engineer/humanist/scientist, there began a distinct Western European ‘Cult of the Genius’ (Zilsel 1918; Kristeller 1954, 510; Woodmansee 1984). Genius, no matter its social origin, demonstrates god-like powers creating ex nihilo (Nahm 1947). Such new knowledge changes the way people see, hear and understand the world and themselves. Fed by Christian belief in the equality of souls and theological rejection of slavery, this marked the first eruption of the individual Person out of feudal subordination by birth. Ownership of ‘new’ knowledge, as will be demonstrated, began to evolve into marketable and legally enforceable intellectual property rights. Ownership became not just a question of metaphysics and morality but also of money and wealth.
7. In the 17th century the experimental philosopher and in the 18th, the author joined this pantheon of Western genius (Woodmansee 1984). Increasing amounts of new knowledge, in all domains, initiated the “Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes”, i.e., the battle of the Ancients and the Moderns marking the beginning of the 18th century European Enlightenment (Kristeller 1952, 19). Who are superior, the Ancients or the Moderns? The answer: the Moderns.
8. By the end of the 18th century
Republican Revolutions shattered feudal subordination declaring all men
equal. In the 19th, the inventive genius
of Watt was followed by
9. Out of this traditional Cult of the Genius emerged what I call the Myth of the Creator (Chartrand Fall 2000) eloquently expressed by Zechariah Chafee in the epithet to this chapter.
… intellectual property is,
after all, the only absolute possession in the world... The man who brings out of nothingness some child
of his thought has rights therein which cannot belong to any other sort of
property. (Chaffee 1945)
Creation of new knowledge in all domains - the natural & engineering sciences, the humanities & social sciences and the Arts – became a public good to be fostered and encouraged so that all humanity might benefit from the creativity of genius. The question is, of course, how should genius be fostered and encouraged?
10. Like most myths this one contains some elements of truth. Thus, under the European Civil Code tradition, the myth is reflected in the moral rights of creators that are “inalienable, unattachable, impresciptible and unrenounceable” (Article 11, Decision 351, Andean Community, 1993). Such rights echo back to ancient animism and are deemed self-evident under the principles of ‘natural law’ (Taylor 1929, 1930), the supposed root of the Civil Code.
11. Unlike the Civil Code, however, the Anglo-American Common Law, and its associated intellectual property rights (henceforth, IPRs), is rooted in precedent rather than principle. The result is that:
the complex body of law,
judicial interpretation, and administrative practice that one has to grapple
with in the area of intellectual property rights has not been created by any
rational, consistent, social welfare-maximizing public agency.” (David 1992)
12. The resulting patchwork complexity is arguably one reason why there has been limited empirical economic analysis of IPRs (Besen & Raskind 1991, 4). [N] In economic theory, however, IPRs are justified by market failure, i.e., when market price does not reflect all benefits being captured by the consumer and all production costs being paid by the producer, e.g., when market price does not include pollution costs. These are generally known as external costs and benefits, i.e., external to market price. IPRs, in this view, are created by the State as a protection of, and incentive to, the production of new knowledge which otherwise could be used freely by others (the so-called free-rider problem). In return, the State expects creators to make new knowledge available and that a market will be created in which such knowledge can be bought and sold. But while the State wishes to encourage creativity, it does not want to foster harmful market power. Accordingly, it builds in limitations to the rights granted to creators. Such limitations embrace both time and space. They are granted, assuming full disclosure of the new knowledge:
· only for a fixed period of time, i.e., either a specified number of years and/or for the life of the creator plus a fixed number of years; and,
· only for the fixation of new or original knowledge in material form, i.e., it is not ideas but rather their fixation in material form (a matrix) that receives protection.
13. Eventually, however, all intellectual property (all knowledge) enters the public domain where it may be used by anyone without charge or limitation. Even while IPRs are in force, however, there are exceptions such as ‘fair use’ or ‘fair dealing’ under copyright. Similarly, national statutes and international conventions permit certain types of research using patented products and processes. And, governments retain authority to waive all IPRs in “situations of national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency” (WTO/TRIPS 1994, Article 31b), e.g., following the anthrax terrorist attacks in 2001 the U.S. government threatened to revoke Bayer’s pharmaceutical patent on the drug Cipro (BBC News October 24, 2001).
14. Nonetheless, the foundation stone of contemporary IPRs is that an idea, a.k.a. knowledge, is not protected, only its expression fixed in material form or a matrix. I will first examine the nature of the matrix and its relationship to IPRs. I will then consider the major categories of IPRs – copyrights & trademarks, patents & industrial designs, know-how & trade secrets. This will be followed by an examination of the public domain where the vast bulk of human knowledge resides. In effect, IPRs define our legal, and therefore our economic rights to know.
1. Intellectual property rights do not protect ideas but rather their expression fixed in a tangible material form called a ‘matrix’. A matrix is a “supporting or enclosing structure” (OED matrix, n I). A tangible material form is something that, traditionally, can be seen, touched or otherwise perceived by a human being and, furthermore, has some permanence. Finally, any expression fixed in a matrix must be original to receive protection by the State. Four questions arise. Why are ideas not protected? What constitutes a matrix? What does perception of a matrix mean? And, finally, what is the function of a matrix relative to knowledge embedded therein.
2. Justice
Yates, in his dissenting opinion in the 1769 case of Millar v. Taylor, laid
out the legal argument why ideas are not protected. He argued, drawing on the Institutes of Justinian (one of the
sources of the Civil Code), that ideas are not the object of property rights
because they are like wild animals or ferae naturae that once set free belong to no one and
everyone at the same time, i.e., they
are in the public domain. It is only
their specific expression fixed in material form – commonly known as a work –
that qualifies for protection (Sedgwick 1879). [O]
3. What constitutes a matrix is
problematic. Examples drawn from the
recent history of copyright in
5. With respect to software patents, the Patent Office resisted patentability because computer programs were considered mathematical algorithms, not processes or machines. In its 1981 decision in Diamond v. Diehr, the Supreme Court ordered the Office to grant a patent even though computer software was involved. The Court found the program was not just a mathematical algorithm but rather a process, specifically for molding rubber. The Patent Office continued to be troubled in distinguishing a computer program from an algorithm. In the 1990s the Federal Circuit Court tried to clarify the question by requiring that an invention be examined as a whole and finding that an invention using a computer to manipulate numbers representing concrete or real world phenomenon is a process relating to tangible material forms and is patentable. In 1996 the Patent Office adopted its Final Computer Related Examination Guidelines making a computer-related invention patentable if the program is used in connection with a specific machine or product (Tysver 1998).
6. As demonstrated, a matrix originally
needed to be perceptible by a human being, particularly by sight. The law, being inherently conservative,
traditionally concluded that if the matrix was not perceptible then it was not
possible to assess other requirements for protection, e.g., originality, non-obviousness, usefulness, etc.
For example, ephemeral displays on computer screens prior to 1988 received
no protection in
7. In effect, over time, the use of instrumentation to extend the reach and grasp of the human senses has been accepted by the Courts. The implication is that there is no longer any microscopic (or macroscopic) legal limit to intellectual property being fixed in material form, only a technical one.
8. Essentially a legal or constitutional matrix has one of three functions – utilitarian, non-utilitarian or personal. Previously, I restricted Person to the natural person in possession of personal & tacit knowledge; Code to matter coded to carry knowledge as meaning and Work to matter tooled to carry knowledge as function. I also noted, however, that a Code or Work takes on meaning or function only through the agency of a Person. Legal qualifications must now be added to these ‘pure’ definitions treat the rights to know these three as intermediate and final outputs of a knowledge-based economy. Before examining the evolution of intellectual property rights I will briefly relate the Person, Code and Work to such rights – know-how & trade secrets, copyrights & trademarks and patents & industrial designs - through their legal matrix.
1. A Person under Anglosphere Common Law can be either a natural or a legal person. As such a Person is the subject of both know-how and trade secrets where the matrix is a legal or natural person. Know-how is essentially experiential in nature. Only a human being has experience and hence know-how is fixed in a natural person. Such knowledge can, however, be transferred from one person to another by demonstration and practice but it cannot usually be formally articulated or codified, i.e., it is personal & tacit knowledge.
2. In the case of trade secrets, knowledge may be fixed in either a natural or a legal person. A trade secret, using the metaphor of Justice Yates above, is a caged animal. The cage is the contractual confidentiality provisions used by legal persons to bind employees and other agents to secrecy. It should be noted that not every country has formalized know-how and trade secrets as intellectual property rights through statute. However, some recent international conventions do formally recognize and protect trade secrets and know-how, e.g., the Common Industrial Property Regime of the Andean Community and the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property and Services (TRIPS) (Chartrand 2001).
1. The matrix of a Code is non-utilitarian. It has no purpose other than to carry a message. As such Code is subject to copyright and trademarks. Thus copyright protects expression of ideas or knowledge fixed in a matrix that has no inherent utilitarian value, e.g., a book makes a second rate door jam. Similarly, trademarks (and marks of origin) symbolize the identity of a company, business, district or government. Like copyright the matrix in which a trademark is fixed has no intrinsic value. Unlike copyright, however, a trademark in effect impresses the ‘good will’ earned by a business or government, i.e., a legal person, on a matrix rather than the expression of an idea as such.
2. While copyrights and trademarks share a non-utilitarian matrix they belong to two fundamentally different classes of rights. The overtly commercial nature of industrial designs, patents and trademarks place them in a distinct legal category called ‘industrial property’, subject of the first international intellectual property rights convention, the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 1883 (Chartrand 2001). The ‘artistic’, ‘personal’ or ‘semiotic’ nature of copyright, by contrast, rooted in the European Civil Code tradition, is recognized in a separate set of international conventions beginning with the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 1886 (Chartrand 1998). The difference was summed up by Keyes and Brunet:
Though copyright is expressed in terms of property, it
is not directly analogous to industrial property (patents, trademarks and
industrial designs), where the major concern is with the circulation of goods
that have economic value apart from their intellectual content. As it deals with purely intellectual matter,
copyright can never interfere with a person’s physical well-being. (Keyes & Brunet 1977, 3)
3. As will be seen in more detail below, this distinction is eroding with recognition of computer software copyright which, in the MDTQ model, is a form of soft-tooled, not codified knowledge. Such programs, as well as genomic programs, are intended to be ‘read’ by a machine, not a human mind. They are intended to manipulate matter, the circuits of a computer or the bonding of atoms and molecules, not the thoughts of a human mind. The matrix, a communications medium, is now legally considered to carry utilitarian function (tooled knowledge) as well as semiotic meaning (codified knowledge).
1. The matrix of a Work is utilitarian, i.e., it is useful for some purpose other than itself. It is subject to patents and industrial design protection. Thus an industrial design impresses aesthetic value onto a matrix that is useful in its own right – a decorated coffee cup remains a coffee cup stripped of its decoration. A patent, on the other hand, tools utilitarian function or ‘usefulness’ into matter itself – an electromagnetic door jam is a new type of door jam. This, of course, corresponds to a Work as matter tooled to carry function, i.e., to measure and/or manipulate the physical rather than the human world like sensors, tools and toys.
1. While the matrix can be used to order intellectual property rights into generic categories – utilitarian, non-utilitarian and personal - the nature, scope and composition of each IPR is different. Each provides the legal foundation for a distinctive industrial organization based on the commercial exploitation of new knowledge. Furthermore, each consists of a distinct and differing bundle of rights defining what forms of knowledge can be bought and sold, where it may be marketed, under what terms and conditions, and for how long such rights are enforceable before new knowledge enters the public domain.
2. The law, however, is a cultural
artifact, i.e., it varies in
principle and practice between countries and cultures. IPRs
therefore vary significantly between and even within neighborhoods of the
global village (Chartrand 1995). Thus among
3. This degree of freedom is a lever increasingly being used to enhance the competitiveness of nations. Nation-states are actively engaged in reform and revision of their IPR regimes. Each strives, formally and informally, to develop an optimal legal framework for the generation of new knowledge and its subsequent commercial exploitation - subject to the constraints of its history, custom and tradition. This evolving legal structure is, in turn, part of a broader national innovation system (OECD 1997).
4. In what follows I will summarize the Anglo-American histories of the six primary IPRs. These are presented in groups of two based on a common matrix – designs & patents (utilitarian), copyrights & trademarks (non-utilitarian), and know-how & trade secrets (personal). Only passing reference is made to Civil Code practice. An additional class of IPRs is also discussed, sui generis or one-of-a-kind rights.
5. There are, however, three general characteristics of the Anglosphere tradition that colours these histories. The first concerns the origins of the Common Law of business. The second involves the relationship of natural and legal persons. The third involves the evolving definition of property, i.e., what can be bought and sold.
6. First, after the Statute of Monopolies of 1624 development of the Common Law was a process whereby the courts converted the customary bargains and business practices of guilds and corporations into a common law of property and liberty (Commons 1924: 229). However, while “the monopoly, the closed shop, and the private jurisdiction were gone … the economics and ethics remained” (Commons 1924: 230).
7. Second, a natural person is a
living human being; a legal person is a body corporate. The vast bulk of productive assets are owned
by fictitious legal persons such as corporations, companies, sociétés, Gesellschaften. Such persons are birthed under incorporation
statutes that allow them to engage in a wide variety of profit making and
charitable activities. By extension, in
the futuristic world of William Gibson, computer-based artificial intelligence
qualifies for Swiss citizenship (Gibson 1984). In the Anglosphere tradition,
however, legal and natural persons enjoy the same rights; under the Civil Code they
enjoy different rights. It is with
respect to knowledge that this difference is most apparent. Thus Civil Code moral rights of creators are
justified because their work bears the “imprint of personality” that a body corporate
simply does not possess (Geller 1994). This imprint of personality has fueled
ongoing controversy between the
8. Third, there is an important historical connexion between the evolution of intellectual property rights and the definition of property itself. This involves movement away from defining property as ‘things’ – moveable or immovable – towards property as the intangible expectation of profit.
9. Two years before publication of the Wealth of Nations perhaps the most momentous legal decision in the history of knowledge and the modern definition of property was reached in 1774 by the Law Lords of England in the case of Donaldson v. Beckett. The question was: Does an author have a natural and perpetual copyright? The answer was no (Chartrand 2000). Beyond its implications for copyright, this decision arguably contributed to the modern definition of property in what J.R. Common’s calls:
The transition from concepts of physical things to concepts of business assets, [that] could not be fully completed until the idea of ownership was shifted from the holding of physical things to the expectations of profit from the transactions of business. (Commons 1924, 275)
This shift from tangible to intangible property gave birth to many new legal and economically valuable business rights such as ‘good will’. This trend may be approaching an apogee with the emergence of the knowledge-based economy. Copyrights & Trademarks
1. Copyrights and trademarks use a non-utilitarian matrix to encode knowledge in a material form called a ‘communications medium’. Media takes many forms including paper hardcopy and electronic softcopy. It all cases, however, it is intended to be read or decoded by a natural person thereby becoming personal & tacit to that reader.
2. Copyrights are rights traditionally granted to creators of artistic and literary works. These rights have, however, been extended over time to include:
· artistic works such as choreography; drawings, motion pictures, musical compositions, paintings, photographs, sculptures and works of architecture;
· literary works such as novels, poems, plays and reference works, and,
· commercial or utilitarian works such as advertisements, computer programs, databases, maps and newspapers.
3. Copyright is granted to natural and
legal persons. When granted to a natural
person it endures for the life of the artist/creator plus a fixed number of
years that varies between countries, e.g.,
4. As noted above, over time copyright protection has been extended from books to maps and charts, sheet music, photographs, sound recordings and motion pictures. Until the 1980s, however, copyright was, in all Anglosphere countries, restricted to ‘works of art’. With introduction of software copyright, however, utilitarian works received copyright protection for the first time, and probably not the last. Copyright can emerge from any of the three knowledge domains – NES, HSS or the Arts – and can be obtained by natural and legal persons.
5. Two
additional observations are in order. First, the first patent provision in the
6. Second, there is the question of works by
employees. Under Anglosphere copyright all works created by an employee are,
unless by contract stated otherwise, the property of the employer. The employee cannot even claim paternity to
his or her work. This is not the case
under the Civil Code where paternity of the employee is preserved.
7. In the constitutional monarchies of the
8. There is, however, one prominent Anglosphere exception to
employer copyright: the university.
Following the tradition of academic freedom, copyright to works by
professors is, by contract, theirs and theirs alone. This exception has, arguably, resulted in the
separation of the financial and career interests of scholars from that of their
host institutions. Multinational communications conglomerates have, in
effect, filled the gap between the two. Four or five global firms now control
copyright for the world’s most prestigious scientific journals written by
academics employed by universities and colleges and often paying ‘page fees’ to
have their works published – publish or perish is the rule. In turn, their
employers – the universities - now pay escalating library subscription fees for
works authored by their own employees. This has resulted in a shrinking supply of
periodical publications for students in all knowledge domains (The Economist,
9. Trademarks (and marks of origin) are devices such as a word, logo or other mark pointing to the origin or ownership of a good or service that is reserved for the exclusive use of its owner as maker or seller. Today, its application has, de facto, been extended to ‘domain names’ on the internet or world-wide web. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has thus established dispute settlement mechanisms to resolve ‘cyber squatting’, i.e. registering a domain name using the name or trademark of an established business enterprise or celebrity, e.g. Julie Roberts, with the intention of selling that registration to its recognized trademark holder for a profit. At the international level, however, only the Common Industrial Property Regime of the Andean Community of 2000 makes explicit reference to web domain names (Chartrand 2001). If a trademark takes the form of a logo, it emerges from the Arts; if it takes the form of a name or word then arguably it emerges from the HSS.
10. The word ‘trademark’ entered the
English language in 1838 (OED, trademark,
n, a). Functionally, however, it can be
traced back to ancient times and in
11. Registration and the payment of fees
are required. A trademark is granted
only for new marks so as not to confuse the public. It is available to both natural and legal
persons. And, unlike other forms of IPRs, trademarks can be renewed, potentially in perpetuity.
1. Designs and patents use a utilitarian matrix to embed or tool knowledge into a tangible material and functioning form. Knowledge for design is mainly from the Arts; for patents, mainly from the natural & engineering sciences.
2. Industrial design involves the arrangement of elements or details that contribute a distinctive aesthetic appearance rather than a function to a good. In this sense there is a relationship between copyright protecting a work of art and industrial design. Both involve aesthetics but in the case of a copyright the aesthetic element is fixed in a matrix that has no utilitarian value. By contrast the aesthetic element of industrial design is fixed in a utilitarian matrix, e.g., a coffee cup without a design retains its function. In addition, an original work of art tends to be unique while an industrial design is usually produced in large numbers. This last distinction, however, is of diminishing significance with the maturation of the Media Arts as a distinctive artistic discipline.
3. Industrial design protection can be
obtained by both natural and legal persons.
Industrial design emerges from the Arts.
It is important to note, however, that industrial design evolved from
copyright in the
4. The first design-related legislation
5. Since the 15th century governments
in the West have granted legal protection, enforced by the coercive powers of
the State, to those who create or make available knowledge new to that
State. This reflected the emergence of
the Renaissance artist/engineer/humanist to genius status. At first import patents were granted to
foreigners bringing new working knowledge to the kingdom (David 2001, 7). [P]
The first known English patent was granted by Henry VI to Flemish-born
John of Utynam in 1449 for a method of making stained
glass not previously known in
6. Patents are granted for new and useful compositions of matter (e.g., chemical compounds, foods, and medicinal products), machines, manufactured products and industrial processes as well as to improvements to existing ones. In some jurisdictions, patents can also be granted to new plant and animal forms developed through genetic engineering. Patents, unlike industrial design, emerge from the natural & engineering sciences rather than the Arts.
7. Through case law and amendment,
8. A
description must be deposited, in writing and drawings, sufficiently detailed
to allow one of ordinary skill in the art to replicate the invention. This insures that new knowledge enters the
public domain while the rights of the inventor are protected. In the case of
microorganisms, description can take the form of a deposit of a sample with an
authorized depository. Patent protection is for a fixed period of time (in the
9. The term ‘patent’ entered the English language in the 14th century. Patents for invention were originally just one form of monopoly granted by the British Crown. Such grants were signified by Letters Patent, open letters marked with the King’s Great Seal.
10. By the time of James I, abuse of the
monopoly system had become so great that the Statute of Monopolies was enacted in 1624. It made all patent monopolies illegal except for
“any manner of new manufactures within this Realm to the true and first
inventor”. Furthermore, such monopolies could
not be “contrary to the law nor mischievous to the State by raising prices of
commodities at home or hurt of trade”.
For some 200 years the patent system in
11. The first
Congress shall have power ... to promote the progress
of science and useful arts by securing for limited times to authors and
inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries. Know-How & Trade Secrets
1. Know-how and trade secrets use a person – natural or legal - to embed knowledge in material form. Secrecy is used to protect both types and in most countries there is no formal statute. Trade secrets and know-how are the least formally protected of all intellectual property rights.
2. The term “know-how” entered the English language in 1838 (OED, know-how). It refers literally to knowing how to do something, e.g., how to run a construction project. It includes knowledge and experience of an administrative, commercial, financial or technical nature used in running a business or performing a profession. It is experiential in nature, i.e., it is acquired through practice and experience. It also tends to be ‘personal & tacit’ rather than ‘codified’ and embodied in an individual rather than in an external matrix. In most countries, know-how is protected by contract binding employees and other agents to confidentiality. When a natural or legal person (including a government) discovers that know-how has been revealed by an agent without permission, legal recourse is available through breach of contract before the courts. No registration is required. Know-how can be protected without time limit. It can emerge from any of the three knowledge domains – NES, HSS or the Arts.
3. Trade secrets involve information of a technical or commercial nature that is not in the public domain nor generally available. It may be a formula, pattern, physical device, idea, process, compilation of information or other information that provides a competitive advantage in the marketplace. It is generally protected by contract binding employees and other agents to confidentiality. Normally the courts require that a trade secret be treated by its owner in such a manner that it can reasonably be expected to prevent the public or competitors from learning about it except by improper acquisition or theft. In the case of electronic data this includes using encryption and “password” technologies. The most famous trade secret is the formula for Coca-Cola. A trade secret may be embodied in written or other codified form or it may be personal & tacit in a natural person. No registration is required. There is no time limit as long as it remains secret. It may emerge from any of the three knowledge domains – NES, HSS or the Arts.
4. While know-how and trade secrets are
often used as synonyms they need not be so. In the case of management and
franchises, for example, know-how is usually accessible to third parties when
being used. Single elements may be kept
secret but the overall concept cannot be.
Where in a nation’s judicial hierarchy infringement of trade secrets or
know-how may be heard varies, e.g.,
in the
1. Sui generis in Latin means “of its own kind”. There are a number of recognized sui generis property rights. The United States, in particular, has made extensive use of such rights including: breeders’ rights for lines of plants and animals generated using pre-genomic selective breeding technology; a special depository right for microorganisms in lieu of traditional patent requirements of a written description and drawings; special rights for visual artists of recognized stature; special rights for architectural works; and, special rights for integrated circuit typographies, the so-called ‘Chip Protection Act’. The European Commission’s Directive on the Legal Protection of Databases is another example of:
a new form of copyright in databases, one that extends
to contents previously in the public domain and otherwise not
copyrightable. It narrowly restricted
the application of the principle of allowing exclusions for “fair use” in
research, and it permitted virtually indefinite renewal of copyright protection
for databases without requiring the substantial addition of new and original
content.” (David 2000, 6)
2. It can be anticipated that many new sui generis rights will emerge as nations compete by combining different elements drawn from their own traditions governing copyright, designs, patents, trademarks, trade secrets & know-how. The only constraint under the WTO and other international trade rules is national treatment
1. In a sense the public domain is an
unexplored country whose borders can be outlined but whose interior remains
unknown, unexplored and uncharted. Thus
James Boyle notes that the 2001
2. For the competitiveness of nations in a global knowledge-based economy, such ignorance cannot continue. To cure it, however, requires accepting the inherent limitations imposed by the immeasurability and incommensurability of knowledge. Accordingly, trans-disciplinary induction is used and a circumambulation of the question conducted looking at it from a number of different perspectives and interpreting findings as symbolic of its numinous meaning (Neumann 1954, 7). Put another way: “A definition can be but one of many definitions, each surely a function of perspective and agenda” (Lange 2004, 463). At this time, I will examine the public domain as:
· economic commons;
· legal principle and precedent, and,
· constitutional & cultural history.
1. Like technological change in economics, the public domain is, in law, treated as a residuum. Traditionally in economics after the contribution of changes in capital, labour and natural resources to economic growth has been calculated, the residual is technological change. In law, after new knowledge has been ‘privatized’ as intellectual property, what remains is the public domain (David 2000, 15). [R] In this sense, the public domain is the opposite of property (Boyle 2004a).
2. Extending the parallel, the public domain is where knowledge is at home as a public good, i.e., non-excludable and non-rivalrous, acting, as will be seen below, like disembodied exogenous technological change. Everyone has the right to know; it falls from heaven like manna (Scherer 1971, 347). Knowledge covered by intellectual property rights, on the other hand, is rivalrous and excludable by law, if not by nature. It is embodied (fixed) in a work of aesthetic or technological intelligence that is the possession of its creator (or, more usually under Common Law, a corporate proprietor) who determines access and application. To put it another way, where intellectual property rights privatizes or encloses new knowledge (Boyle 2004b) and limits access through price and other mechanisms, knowledge in the public domain is free to all without cost or restriction.
3. The public domain has also been considered an intellectual or public knowledge commons (David 2000). In general, an economic commons is a natural resource shared by all but owned by none. Problems of over-use and depletion of common resources, e.g., fish in the seas beyond the territorial limits of any nation-state, has been called the “tragedy of the commons” (Hardin 1968). Mainstream economics recommends creation of property rights, i.e., privatize ownership of the resource to guarantee its survival through the operation of self-interest on the part of its new owner or owners (e.g., Demsetz 1967).
4. This argument has been extended to the encouragement of new knowledge through intellectual property rights that, in effect, privatize new knowledge. The economic rational is that given the public goods nature of knowledge, a producer cannot capture revenues to cover costs, let alone earn profits, in the absence of such rights. The resulting monopoly, e.g., copyrights and patents, can be justified, however, by full public disclosure of new knowledge, e.g., through full patent application disclosure or publication and its eventual total and complete absorption into the public domain. Society benefits because expansion of the public domain contributes to economic growth by enriching the economic knowledge base of everyone who wants to know.
5. The public domain, however, is unlike any natural resource commons. Most obviously, the public domain is artificial - it is human-made. And, as Herbert Simons stresses, there is a need for a clear epistemological distinction between the sciences of nature and “the sciences of the artificial” (quoting Simons Layton 1988, 91). Similarly, a clear distinction must be made between the economics of the public domain and those of natural resources.
6. In many ways the public domain is
the inverse of a natural resource commons.
First, use of the public domain does not reduce the quantity of
resources available to others. Second,
in its normal state the public domain grows and will continue to grow until the
collapse of human civilization in its contemporary incarnation. Such growth may be slowed by IPRs and other impediments but the biological need to know
insures growth of the public domain. Third,
while there can be no subtractions from the public domain through use,
additions are not simply additive. Rather, additions combine with existing
knowledge mutating and generating yet more new knowledge. Or, in terms of Isaac Newton’s famous
aphorism: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” The public domain is not a domain of scarcity
but of fertile abundance. In this sense
the public domain, unlike any natural resources commons, exhibits increasing
returns to scale.
Legal Principle &
1. Paul David has observed that
intellectual property rights have not
been created “by any rational, consistent, social welfare-maximizing public
agency” (David 1992). The resulting IPR regime he characterizes as ‘a
Panda’s thumb’, i.e., “a striking
example of evolutionary improvisation yielding an appendage that is inelegant
yet serviceable” (David 1992). In the case of the public domain, he observes
that “what it contains is not defined and legal ‘rights’ to its use are
not delineated” (David 2000, 15). This legal lacunae is
the result, I argue, of an inherent clash between the public domain interpreted
as a legal principle and as a legal precedent.
2. The term ‘public domain’ entered “Anglo-American copyright discourse through the French of the Berne Convention” in 1886 (M. Rose 2003, 84). The public domain is thus rooted in the European Civil Code based on principle rather than precedent. In turn, the Civil Code draws heavily on the old Roman law especially the Institutes of Justinian from which Justice Yates argued that ideas are like wild animals belonging to everyone and no one. Observing the relative lack of interest in the concept of common property over the last three hundred years of Anglosphere legal tradition, Carol Rose has tried to revivify Roman concepts of public property lacking in the English-speaking tradition. In effect, she concludes that the evolution of Anglosphere law has been dominated by questions about private, not public, property (C. Rose 2004).
3. There are five categories of public property under Roman law: res nullius, res communes, res publicae, res universatitis and res divini juris. To begin, the Latin word res means ‘thing’. Res nullius refers to things that are unowned or have simply not yet been appropriated by anyone such as an unexplored wilderness. Res communes refers to things that are open to all by their nature, such as oceans and the fish in them. Res publicae refers to things that are publicly owned and made open to the public by law. Res universitatis refers to things that are owned by a body corporate, i.e., within the group such things may be shared but not necessarily outside the group. Finally, res divini juris (divine jurisdiction) refers to things ‘unownable’ because of their divine or sacred status (Kneen 2004).
4. While arguably knowledge exhibits
all five characteristics, for now, I restrict myself to contending that the
Civil Code public domain derives from such Roman legal concepts. They are not,
however, the underlying source of Anglosphere usage. Precedent is its source. In this case the precedent is two-fold. First, import patents were introduced
in 15th century
5. Second, as will be described
in greater detail below, copyright began in the 15th century as a licensing law
for a new technology: the printing press and its entrepreneurial owner – the
printer. Licenses were required for everything printed in order to prevent
heresy and sedition. It quickly became
apparent to the Tudor monarchs (as well as those of continental
6. Three conclusions can be drawn. First, in the Anglosphere tradition
the public domain is what the government of the day says it is, i.e., it is a political decision, it is not
‘natural law’ based on principle. Second,
the public domain constitutes the shared or common knowledge-base of the
national economy. Third, flowing
from the first two, the Anglosphere public domain is continually threatened by the
monopolistic tendencies of printers and their corporate proprietary descendents.
As will be demonstrated, history has emboldened proprietors to use the image of
the starving artist as a foil to extend their monopoly and expand profits. In the 1750s, this played out as the ‘
Constitutional & Cultural History
1. After crushing the royal prerogative
over patents with the 1624 Statute of
Monopolies, for some 200 years the patent system in
2. The word ‘copyright’ itself entered
the English language only in 1735 (OED, copyright). Nonetheless, with the introduction of William
Caxton’s printing press (the first engine of mass production)
in 1476, the first copyright law was, in effect, introduced (Chartrand Fall 2000). Under Common Law, many rights initially
derive from inscribing or copying one’s name and explaining one’s ‘title’ to
property on a register. Thus in medieval
3. The religious wars that swept over
4. Thus, unlike continental
5. In 1557, Queen Mary granted a charter to what became the Company of Stationers of London. Stationers’ Copyright was based on royal prerogative or letters patent covering the entire publishing industry as an estate. This monopoly was assigned to members as a freehold interest. No consideration was given to author’s rights. The Stationers’ Company was the only monopoly to escape dissolution under the Statute of Monopolies in 1624. The reason was its political utility in fostering the political and religious orthodoxy of the day (Patterson 1993). [T]
6. From the death of Henry VIII,
7. Two key developments are of relevance to the question at hand. The first was the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660 and the constitutional and cultural compromises that accompanied it. The second was the Glorious Revolution of 1689 that installed Queen Anne as the first constitutional rather than ‘divine’ monarch followed by passage of the first modern copyright act, the Statute of Queen Anne of 1710. As will be seen these developments continue to haunt contemporary policy debate about intellectual property rights, our rights to know as citizens and the global knowledge-based economy.
8. First, during Cromwell’s Commonwealth or Protectorate, the Protestants or Puritans were the titular winners but they were divided into many squabbling sects and could not agree among themselves. Cromwell, as Lord Protector, tried to mitigate their differences as well as those of Catholic and Anglican citizens. In the end, however, he gave up and approved the Restoration of the monarchy after his death. It was during the Protectorate, however, that the great Latitudinalist compromise of Robert Boyle was made (Jacob 1978; Jacob & Jacob 1980). Theologically, Boyle freed Anglican, Catholic and Protestant to read God’s other book, the book of nature using the new experimental philosophy. His success was marked by Charles II chartering the Royal Society in the year of the Restoration 1660. It was also during the Protectorate that the living author began to compete with the ancients and John Milton in his 1644 Areopagitica (1608-1674) began the cry for freedom of the press. Subsequently, John Locke (1632-1704), in his Memorandum of 1694, argued for freedom of the press and against both Stationers copyright and perpetual copyright for the author. [V]
9. Second, the final
constitutional battle between the Monarchy and Parliament occurred with “The
Glorious Revolution of 1689” when the last of the Stuart monarchs, the catholic
James II, was deposed by an Act of Parliament and replaced by his ‘protestant’
daughter Anne and her consort William of Orange. The resulting ‘Bill of Rights’ established
free speech in Parliament marking the beginning of a ‘free press’ in
10. In 1695 the last of the Licensing Acts lapsed. Government
control was henceforth limited to post-publication libel law. Suspension further spurred development of a
free press that could publish without prior consent of the authorities. Without the Licensing Act, however, the
Stationer’s Company perpetual copyright also lapsed and a rival appeared on the
horizon –
11. There were many attempts by the
Stationer’s Company to restore the old licensing system in the late 1690s and
early 1700s, but it was not until 1710 that a new copyright system came into
force. In fact between 1695 and 1710,
Scottish and domestic ‘pirates’ made it increasingly difficult for
12. An
Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by Vesting the Copies of Printed Books
in the Authors or Purchasers of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned,
more commonly called the Statute of Queen
Anne of 1710, had three objectives. First,
it was intended to prevent any future monopoly of the book trade. Second, it was intended to draw
13. Until the Statute, the author had no economic and limited moral rights to a work after it was sold. Generally, a work was bought outright by a printer/bookseller/publisher for a flat one-time fee much like an all-rights or blanket license today. No royalties flowed to the author from subsequent sales. They did enjoy certain ‘moral rights’ including the right not to have the text changed and the right of attribution. Such rights, however, were based on ethical practices of the printers’ guild, not law.
14. The Statute of Queen Anne is
considered the turning point in the history of copyright because it was the
first law to formally recognize an author’s rights and, more importantly, it finalized
the end to prior government censorship through pre-publication licensing of
works. Recognition of an author’s rights
by the Statute was, however, principally a device to attain its primary
objective - abolition of the Stationer's monopoly (Feather 1988, 31-36). In effect, it was a trade regulation bill and
did not recognize inherent and inalienable rights of the author (Shirata 1999). [W]
15. In the end, the Statute of Queen Anne granted an extension of the existing copyright monopoly of the Stationer’s Company for 21 years and granted an exclusive right for new works for fourteen years with an option to renew for the same period. Furthermore, the Statute recognized the author as the initial copyright holder to encourage “learned men to compose and write useful books”. However, it also explicitly recognized the financial interests of “proprietors” who, by sale or assignment of the author's initial copyright, were almost invariably printers/booksellers/ publishers.
16. The Stationer’s Company, however, did
not give up. The
17. A number of cases were brought to court by printers/ booksellers/publishers during the 1750s and 1760s to gain recognition of a common law copyright independent of the statutory rights established by the Statute of Queen Anne. Publishers argued that an author is entitled to enjoy the fruit of his labor, just like all other forms of property - in perpetuity. A publisher, being merely an assignee of the rights of the author, should therefore also enjoy such rights in perpetuity independent of statute. It was not, however, until 1769 that a legal decision was rendered on the issue in Millar v. Taylor. Lord Justice Mansfield decided, with the majority, in favour of an author’s perpetual copyright while Justice Yates, as has been seen, opposed it. [X]
18. Sir William Blackstone contributed to the plaintiffs' cause. Blackstone had previously published Commentaries on the Laws of England in 1767 in which he interpreted copyright for the first time as a legal concept (Blackstone 1771, 400-407). Using Lockean natural law theory (Locke 1690), he described copyright as a kind of personal property in common law on the ground that any kind of published work is based on the author's brainwork. This became known as ‘the sweat of the brow’ theory. Of course, in his 1694 Memorandum, mentioned above, Locke explicitly rejected perpetual copyright.
19. The plot of the booksellers was,
however, ultimately defeated in 1774 by the decision of the House of Lords in Donaldson
v. Beckett. It was this decision
that established the basic concept of Anglosphere copyright. When an author
fixes his creation in a tangible medium, he obtains a common law right that is
eternal in nature. However, he looses
this common law right with publication, or, ‘dedication to the public’. In effect, the House of Lords accepted the
dissenting opinion and reasoning of Justice Yates in Millar v. Taylor:
20. What is at issue is that the living author had attained the status of genius, someone who produces with god-like powers out of nothing (Woodmansee 1984). However, the reward for such genius was qualified by Enlightenment rights of the public at large (M. Rose 2004, 76). Thus while in a sense the work of the artist, author or inventor was god-like and qualified as res divini juris, they were also res communes - open to all by their nature and res publicae publicly owned and made open to the public by law.
21. The change, however, was less a boon to authors than to publishers because it meant that copyright was to have another function. Rather than simply being the right of a publisher to be protected against piracy, copyright would henceforth be a concept embracing all the rights that an author might have in his published work. And since copyright was still available to the publisher, the change also meant that the publisher as copyright proprietor would enjoy any new rights granted the author by appropriation (Patterson 1968).
22. Thus, what started out in 1710 as a
statutory device to regulate the book trade, prohibit monopoly and end pre-publication
censorship, was transformed, at least in the popular imagination, into a
‘natural law’ for the encouragement, protection and reward of authors. In reality, however, author’s rights -
economic and moral – were effectively sacrificed to the pecuniary interests of
Proprietors. Once a work was typeset and
published the author’s Common Law rights vanished like a wild animal into the
forest leaving behind a Proprietor enjoying the rights and privileges granted
by an admittedly now time limited monopoly. [Y]
23. It has been argued that the public
domain only came into existence with the end of perpetual copyright (M. Rose 2004). And this was the state of English law in 1776 after
which the laws of
24. First, despite the fact that
works of American authors were published in
25. A year before the House of Lords made
its decision on Donaldson v. Beckett, the Boston Tea Party marked the
beginning of the American Revolution.
Between 1773 and 1783 the
26. Accordingly, the last major copyright
decision of the British courts current in legal circles in the
27. As the revolutionary war played itself
out the publishing industry in the colonies increasingly turned towards
American authors. However, the trade
courtesy that protected printer/publishers afforded no protection to authors.
Some authors began to lobby for ‘copyright’ protection confusing ‘author’s
rights’ with the traditional copyright granted to printers.
28. The framers of the United States
Constitution, suspicious of all monopolies, knew the history of copyright as a
tool of censorship and press control.
They wanted to assure that copyright was not used as a means of
oppression and censorship in the
have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of
tyranny over the mind of man.”
Thomas Jefferson,
Letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush,
29. And, with respect to the copyright
monopoly and the 1774 reasoning of Chief Justice Mansfield in Millar v.
Jefferson, in 1788, exclaimed: “I hold it essential in America to forbid that
any English decision which has happened since the accession of Lord Mansfield
to the bench, should ever be cited in a court; because, though there have come
many good ones from him, yet there is so much sly poison instilled into a great
part of them, that it is better to proscribe the whole.” (Commons 1924: 276)
30. The
Congress shall have Power... To promote the Progress of Science and useful
Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive
Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
31. The importance of the clause is
evidenced by the fact that the power to promote ‘progress’ was one of very few
powers to regulate commerce initially granted to Congress. Two years after ratification of the US
Constitution, Congress passed the first Copyright
Act of 1790: An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the
Copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such
Copies, during the Times therein mentioned. Two things are important with respect to the
title of the Act. First, Article
1, Section 8 of the Constitution assigns rights to ‘Authors and Inventors’
reflecting the proximity of copyright and patents and its relationship to the
natural person as genius. The 1790 Act,
however, assigns rights to ‘Authors and Proprietors’. As in
32. Second, its title derives from the Statute of Queen Anne justifying the ‘securing the Copies’ as an encouragement for learning among the people. The importance of ‘learning’ led to the ‘Fair Use’ clause of the U.S. Copyright Act limiting copyright even during its duration. In the simplest terms, it means: nonprofit, non-financially damaging copying is fair use. This provision allows public libraries, educational institutions and individuals to lend or copy works without paying royalties and avoid copyright infringement. This encouragement of learning, of course, amounts to increasing the personal & tacit knowledge-base of the nation.
33. Arguably, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is directly related to copyright and hence to an American concept of the public domain (Alstyne 2004):
shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or
the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government
for a redress of grievances.
34. The historical connection between the two is the pre-Statute of Queen Anne Licensing Acts which were used to control the press, restrict religious and political debate and thereby the public domain. These, at one and the same time, were used to restrict the press and maintain the perpetual copyright of the Stationer’s Company. In this sense, the First Amendment can be seen as a sibling of modern copyright with both serving to define the public domain. David Lange takes this argument further arguing that the public domain itself should be recognized as having a status analogous to citizenship with affirmative rights. “I want the public domain, however it may be defined, to secure these elemental aspirations which I believe innate in human kind: to think and to imagine, to remember and appropriate, to play and to create (Lange 2004, 483).
35. To any mapping of the public domain charted by the First Amendment and the Copyright Act one must add the more recent Freedom of Information Act that makes all government information part of the public domain unless national security or commercial confidentiality are involved. This last caveat ‘commercial confidentiality’ opens onto yet another tributary, this one within the domain of the Security & Exchange Commission and the Department of Commerce. And the list goes on.
36. Unless the public domain as legal principle
is reconciled with the public domain as legal precedent, Lange’s vision will,
however, remain unrealized. In fact, the
progressive extension of the term of copyright in the
37. The situation in the constitutional
monarchies of the
1. What started out as an exploration of the economics of new knowledge as intellectual property rights or ‘rights to know’ has ended with the politics of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and national constitutions in general. How? Arguably it was our trip through an unexplored country called the public domain. Therein a free press is historically linked to copyright and, indirectly, to the evolution of patents and intellectual property in general. Arguably, Adam Smith’s alarm about a ‘political economy’, i.e., one in which economic profit translates into political power and political power translates into economic profit, is being recycled in modern times.
2. Nonetheless, the relationship between political power and economic profit is an increasingly central theme of the knowledge-based economy. In the crudest terms, a knowledge-based economy means the monetarization of knowledge. Political power writes the intellectual property statutes defining knowledge as economic property. Private proprietors strive to maximize profits by re-structuring the business environment through such statutes. According to Jessica Litman with respect to copyright this has got to the point that the “copyright industries… work out the details of the copyright law among themselves, before passing the finished product on to a compliant Congress for enactment” (Litman 1996). [Z] In other words, if the intellectual property regime of a nation is the economic constitution of the knowledge-based economy then it is simply too important to be left to proprietors. The regime itself is justified primarily as a reward for creative genius to the benefit of the public. The public domain, which arguably an IPR regime is intended to grow, is a national asset in and of itself, a pearl without price. It is an asset whose value should not be lost in pursuit of private pecuniary profits. The public domain is a good and its growth the reason for intellectual property rights in the first place.
1. From our analysis of ‘rights to know’ a legal Qubit of knowledge can now be deduced. The IPR is a qubitic measure of the privatization of knowledge established by law. Intellectual property rights are granted for new knowledge fixed in a material matrix for a limited time. The matrix may be utilitarian as with patents & designs; it may be non-utilitarian as with copyrights & trademarks; or it may be a person – natural or legal - as with trade secrets and know-how. All other knowledge (new and old) eventually falls into the public domain.
The Competitiveness of Nations
in a Global Knowledge-Based Economy